
They say a picture tells a thousand stories.  (Or maybe it's me who says that. I dunno.)

So what does this picture tell you?

For starters, it says that at one point in my life, I had some nice sunglasses. No idea where those are now. 

And I like to hike. Or once I hiked. You don't really know, do you?

Also, that I know how to take advantage of a good lighting situation when I see one.

Much like a photo, I like to think I tell good stories through my work, whether it be a national television commercial, a print campaign, a social media event, or just a teeny tiny hangtag on your product. I tell stories that make people love your brand and share their passion for it with their world. 

After years at Arnold Worldwide, Holland Mark Martin, and then Mullen, I’ve built a career I love as a freelance creative director and copywriter.

I get to constantly surround myself with new people, interesting ideas, and novel ways of approaching a problem. Today is never like yesterday. Plus, I occasionally get to take a day off to climb a mountain and take a photo in lovely light. 

Let's tell some stories together. Or climb some mountains together. Or find my sunglasses together.

Whatever we do, it will be a good story.