
The beautiful period.

Most of life’s milestones are celebrated with ritual or fanfare. However, when a girl reaches puberty, this is rarely the case. In fact, it can be embarrassing, awkward, and dealt with in whispers. Whaaaaaaat?

LoveJane is turning this around with gorgeous period kits girls are proud to carry and show off—a favorite accessory that urges them to celebrate this poignant life moment with grace, dignity, and style.

For this brand launch, we helped LoveJane create packaging, ads, a website, a social media presence, and meaningful touchpoints for girls.

To add authenticity, all photos were sourced with permission from the Instagram accounts of young women we are lucky enough to know. Purposefully, no bumps, bruises, or imperfections were Photoshopped out.

Packages included a booklet that talked to girls peer-to-peer about their period, their lives, and more. A question-and-answer section ensured nothing was considered too awkward to ask. We also created a reward program for girls who gave their tampons, pads, or emergency undies to other girls who found themselves without in crucial moments.


AD and Design: Andrea Becker

Product Design: Gisela Voss